Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Instyler Rotating Iron Official Blog

Instyler Rotating Iron Official Blog

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Kate MccGwire
London, UK
Posted: 5.21.09
More info: Artist site
About Kate:
Kate MccGwire’s work asks questions about the very nature of beauty. She’s intrigued by the possibility of envisaging beauty as something more complex than merely what delights the senses: beauty can be about a problem; it can be something that repels you or makes you question the status quo. The idea that it is a cultural phenomenon, susceptible to argument through the creative process, fascinates her.
Intrinsic to her method is the collecting and sorting of materials from hundreds of different sources over a period of months, even years. In turn, pieces evolve intuitively as if out of the subconscious, the language evocative rather than purely illustrative. As the work takes shape, a new, playful reality emerges, so that the object itself becomes a sort of prism, refracting the layers of meaning and cultural associations buried within, the quantity of materials used sometimes deliberately overwhelming, as if charged with a power and ambition beyond the reach they possess when seen in isolation.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Sade has and always will be one if not the most favorite artist of all, not only is she a great song writer but listening to her smooth tunes always had a way of telling stories that send my mind on a trip never mind a daydream, her music can be extremly calming and seductive at times. And also carry your imagination to untold places... Please take a few moments to read her biography below!!!!

Helen Folsade AduBORN: January 16, 1959, ADO-EKITI, NigeriaLovers Rock is the first collection of new work by Sade in eight years. But it's a record that says less about those years gone by than the promise and vitality of the here and now. It's an album that's by turns moving, elegiac and beautiful. Like the tender, acoustic guitar-driven first single, 'By Your Side', a song about the tensile strength of love, it is music stripped back to its essential elements: voice, melody, and meticulously arranged instrumentation. The result is a record of bare, sometimes startlingly, immediacy.But then Helen Folasade Adu is a woman who has never had anything to hide. Born in Ibadan, Nigeria and raised in Colchester, Essex, where she moved at 4 after her English mother separated from her Nigerian father, she's spent her life trying to do what feels right, honest and true. Because by comparison nothing else has seemed as important. When she was growing up, Sade would listen to soul artists like Curtis Mayfield, Donny Hathaway and Marvin Gaye. Singers uniquely attuned to the complex sensibilities of heartache and hope, who were skilled enough to create from those feelings, something lasting and transcendent. Still she didn't think about singing herself. Rather, she studied fashion at St Martin's art college, only signing on as vocalist when a couple of old school friends started a band "until they found a proper singer". From there to singing with early Eighties Latin funk collective Pride, she discovered a rare delight in songwriting. It was while she was with that group, Sade co-wrote 'Smooth Operator' with Ray St. John, and it was from there that Sade abandoned diffidence and finally stepped centre stage to form her own group with fellow Pride members Stuart Matthewman, Andrew Hale and Paul Spencer Denman.For more historical information on Sade, please visit

I was talking to my Brother in Law that is stationed in Iraq... Seriously these things are extremly dangerous and not to mention digusting, UGH!!!! Below are a few facts about their nature!!!! Please take sometime out to go online and research them WOW!!!!

The camel spider stories began to spread during the 1990-91 Gulf War. Now, with the continued presence of U.S. forces in the Middle East, the stories are becoming legendary .. Many of the stories on the internet are completely untrue. These creatures are (usually) not dangerous to humans. But, dangerous or not, these creatures are horrifying to encounter. I pity anyone who encounters one for the first time.
Soldier in Iraq bitten by a Camel Spider. Yes, they can bite. If they do, there is always the possibility of infection.

Camel spiders can move at speeds over 30 MPH, screaming while they run. Camel spiders can be as large as a frisbee. Camel spiders venom is an anesthetic that numbs their prey.

Camel spiders can jump three feet high. Camel spiders can jump three feet high. They eat or gnaw on people while they sleep. Due to the numbing effect of their venom, the victim is unaware until they awake. They actually aren’t spiders at all, they’re solpugids.. Along with spiders, they are members of the class Arachnida.

1. Camel spiders top speed – appox. 10 mph. Which is very fast.
2. Size: Up to 6 inches although many of our readers report larger.
3. They have no venom.
4. They don’t jump. However, many of our readers describe them leaping onto their legs, etc..
5. Called camel spiders because they live in the desert.
They actually aren’t spiders at all, they’re solpugids.. Along with spiders, they are members of the class Arachnida.

The Meaning Of Chakras

A chakra comes from the Sanskrit word meaning spinning wheel

A common system of chakras outlines that there are 7 main energy vortices.
According to ancient texts a chakra is where 216 nadis / meridians (energy channels) cross over each other, forming energy spirals.

There are thousands of minor chakras eg. on, hands, feet, ears etc .

The 7 chakra system can be useed to illustrate many interested things - see below

Chakras have been linked to

  • Chi / Qi / Prana / Life Force
  • colours / vibrations
  • levels of consciousness
  • emotions, mind, body, spirit
  • tree of life
  • planets
  • sacraments
  • elements
  • angels / deities
  • gems, stones
  • herbs, incense
  • sounds - seed sylables

Depending on who you read the chakras may be assigned different colours - don't miss the point - the colours on the highter chakras just emphasise a change in vibration (frequency)

The higher chakras are not necessarily more valuable than the lower ones- just higher in morallity

Sanskrit NameLocationColorCentral IssueOrientation to selfGoalsRights IdentityDemon/ TricksterElementExcessive CharacteristicsDeficient CharacteristicsHerbs/IncenseGemstones Deities
Root (1)Muladhara (root/support)Base of spineredsurvival, groundingSelf-preservationStability, grounding, physical health, prosperity trustTo be here, to have1PhysicalFearEarthHeaviness, Sluggish monotony, obesity, hoarding, materialism, greedFrequent fear, lack of discipline, restless, underweight, spaceycedarLodestone, ruby, garnet, smoky quartz, obsidian, onyx, jet, hematite, bloodstone, red jasper1Gaia, Auriel
Sacral (2)Svadhisthana (sweetness)Abdomen, Genitals, lower back, hipsorangeSexuality, emotions, desireSelf-gratificationFluidity, pleasure, healthy sexuality, feelingTo feel, to want2EmotionalGuiltWaterOverly emotional, poor boundaries, sex addiction, obsessive attachmentsFrigidity, impotence, rigidity, emotional numbness, fear of pleasureorris root, gardeniacarnelian, coral, agate, jacinth2Diana, Neptune, Pan, Gabriel
Solar Plexus (3)Manipura (lustrous Jewl)Solar PlexusyellowPower, willSelf-definitionVitality, spontaneity, strength of will, purpose, self-esteemTo act3EgoShameFireDominating, blaming, aggressive, scattered, constantly activeWeak will, poor self esteem, passive, sluggish, fearfulcarnationamber, topaz citrine quartz, tiger eye,


Amon-Ra, Brigit, Athene, Michael
Heart (4)Anahata (unstruck)Heart "area"greenLove, relationshipsSelf-acceptanceBalance, compassion, self-acceptance, good relationshipsTo love and be loved4SocialGriefAirCodependency, poor boundaries, possessive, jealousShy, lonely, isolated, lack of empathy, bitter, criticallavender, jasmineemerald, tourmaline, rose quartz, emerald,4Aphrodite, Frejya, Christ, Raphael
Throat (5)Visshudha (purification)ThroatblueCommunicationSelf-expressionClear communication, creativity, resonanceTo speak and be heard5CreativeLiesSoundExcessive talking, inability to listen, over-extended, stutteringFear of speaking, poor rhythmFrankincense, Benzointurquoise, lapis lazuli, chrysocolla, green aventurine5Mercury, Apollo,
Brow (6)Ajna (to perceive)BrowindigoIntuition, imaginationSelf-reflectionPsychic perception, accurate interpretation, imagination, clear seeingTo see6ArchetypalIllusionLightHeadaches, nightmares, hallucinations, delusions, difficulty concentratingPoor memory, poor vision, can't see patterns, denialMugwort, star aniselapis, quartz, sodalite, blue sapphire,6Tara, Isis, Themis
Crown (7)Sahasrara (thousandfold)Top of head, cerebral cortexvioletAwarenessSelf-knowledgeWisdom, knowledge, consciousnessTo know7UniversalAttachmentInformationOverly intellectual, spiritual addiction, confusion, dissociationLearning difficulties, spiritual skepticism, limited beliefs, materialism, apathyLotus, Gotu kolaamethyst, diamond, white chalcedony, moss agate, salenite/desert rose, white opal, moonstone7Zeus, Nut, Inanna

  • variations in systems - number - 7, 8, 10, 12, 13, 18, 19, 22, 23, 27, 144, 352, etc.
  • variations in colour - may be that each body (etheric, astral, spiritual etc.) also has a set of chakras eg. pastel colour
  • gems stones may vary
  • additional info:
  • Chakra sounds vary (Seed sylables Lam, Vam, Ram, Yam, Ham, OM, OM)

Balancing Chakras with Sound & Chanting

In my opinion if you want to feel balanced, charged and happy - therei snothing easier, quicker, cheaper and more natural than chant some sacred sounds.

This really works, try it!

Edgar Cayce's mantra:


Have an open heart when doing this

Don't try with half effort - open up - let the sounds flow out through you

Hindu - Sanskrit Seed Sylabbles Tones from Djwal Khul
LAMmiddle cRootO (oh)red1
VAM SacralSHU (shuck)orange2
RAM Solar pYA (yawn)yellow3
YAM / SAM HeartWA (way)Green4
HAM ThroatHE (he)Blue5
OM BrowHU (hue)Indigo6
AUM CrownI (eye)Violet7

A Passage That Was Shared With Me...

Psalm 91 (New International Version)
Psalm 91
1 He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty. [a]
2 I will say [b] of the LORD, "He is my refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust."
3 Surely he will save you from the fowler's snare and from the deadly pestilence.
4 He will cover you with his feathers, and under his wings you will find refuge; his faithfulness will be your shield and rampart.
5 You will not fear the terror of night, nor the arrow that flies by day,
6 nor the pestilence that stalks in the darkness, nor the plague that destroys at midday.
7 A thousand may fall at your side, ten thousand at your right hand, but it will not come near you.
8 You will only observe with your eyes and see the punishment of the wicked.
9 If you make the Most High your dwelling— even the LORD, who is my refuge-
10 then no harm will befall you, no disaster will come near your tent.
11 For he will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways;
12 they will lift you up in their hands, so that you will not strike your foot against a stone.
13 You will tread upon the lion and the cobra; you will trample the great lion and the serpent.
14 "Because he loves me," says the LORD, "I will rescue him; I will protect him, for he acknowledges my name.
15 He will call upon me, and I will answer him; I will be with him in trouble, I will deliver him and honor him.
16 With long life will I satisfy him and show him my salvation."