Monday, August 17, 2009

The Meaning Of Chakras

A chakra comes from the Sanskrit word meaning spinning wheel

A common system of chakras outlines that there are 7 main energy vortices.
According to ancient texts a chakra is where 216 nadis / meridians (energy channels) cross over each other, forming energy spirals.

There are thousands of minor chakras eg. on, hands, feet, ears etc .

The 7 chakra system can be useed to illustrate many interested things - see below

Chakras have been linked to

  • Chi / Qi / Prana / Life Force
  • colours / vibrations
  • levels of consciousness
  • emotions, mind, body, spirit
  • tree of life
  • planets
  • sacraments
  • elements
  • angels / deities
  • gems, stones
  • herbs, incense
  • sounds - seed sylables

Depending on who you read the chakras may be assigned different colours - don't miss the point - the colours on the highter chakras just emphasise a change in vibration (frequency)

The higher chakras are not necessarily more valuable than the lower ones- just higher in morallity

Sanskrit NameLocationColorCentral IssueOrientation to selfGoalsRights IdentityDemon/ TricksterElementExcessive CharacteristicsDeficient CharacteristicsHerbs/IncenseGemstones Deities
Root (1)Muladhara (root/support)Base of spineredsurvival, groundingSelf-preservationStability, grounding, physical health, prosperity trustTo be here, to have1PhysicalFearEarthHeaviness, Sluggish monotony, obesity, hoarding, materialism, greedFrequent fear, lack of discipline, restless, underweight, spaceycedarLodestone, ruby, garnet, smoky quartz, obsidian, onyx, jet, hematite, bloodstone, red jasper1Gaia, Auriel
Sacral (2)Svadhisthana (sweetness)Abdomen, Genitals, lower back, hipsorangeSexuality, emotions, desireSelf-gratificationFluidity, pleasure, healthy sexuality, feelingTo feel, to want2EmotionalGuiltWaterOverly emotional, poor boundaries, sex addiction, obsessive attachmentsFrigidity, impotence, rigidity, emotional numbness, fear of pleasureorris root, gardeniacarnelian, coral, agate, jacinth2Diana, Neptune, Pan, Gabriel
Solar Plexus (3)Manipura (lustrous Jewl)Solar PlexusyellowPower, willSelf-definitionVitality, spontaneity, strength of will, purpose, self-esteemTo act3EgoShameFireDominating, blaming, aggressive, scattered, constantly activeWeak will, poor self esteem, passive, sluggish, fearfulcarnationamber, topaz citrine quartz, tiger eye,


Amon-Ra, Brigit, Athene, Michael
Heart (4)Anahata (unstruck)Heart "area"greenLove, relationshipsSelf-acceptanceBalance, compassion, self-acceptance, good relationshipsTo love and be loved4SocialGriefAirCodependency, poor boundaries, possessive, jealousShy, lonely, isolated, lack of empathy, bitter, criticallavender, jasmineemerald, tourmaline, rose quartz, emerald,4Aphrodite, Frejya, Christ, Raphael
Throat (5)Visshudha (purification)ThroatblueCommunicationSelf-expressionClear communication, creativity, resonanceTo speak and be heard5CreativeLiesSoundExcessive talking, inability to listen, over-extended, stutteringFear of speaking, poor rhythmFrankincense, Benzointurquoise, lapis lazuli, chrysocolla, green aventurine5Mercury, Apollo,
Brow (6)Ajna (to perceive)BrowindigoIntuition, imaginationSelf-reflectionPsychic perception, accurate interpretation, imagination, clear seeingTo see6ArchetypalIllusionLightHeadaches, nightmares, hallucinations, delusions, difficulty concentratingPoor memory, poor vision, can't see patterns, denialMugwort, star aniselapis, quartz, sodalite, blue sapphire,6Tara, Isis, Themis
Crown (7)Sahasrara (thousandfold)Top of head, cerebral cortexvioletAwarenessSelf-knowledgeWisdom, knowledge, consciousnessTo know7UniversalAttachmentInformationOverly intellectual, spiritual addiction, confusion, dissociationLearning difficulties, spiritual skepticism, limited beliefs, materialism, apathyLotus, Gotu kolaamethyst, diamond, white chalcedony, moss agate, salenite/desert rose, white opal, moonstone7Zeus, Nut, Inanna

  • variations in systems - number - 7, 8, 10, 12, 13, 18, 19, 22, 23, 27, 144, 352, etc.
  • variations in colour - may be that each body (etheric, astral, spiritual etc.) also has a set of chakras eg. pastel colour
  • gems stones may vary
  • additional info:
  • Chakra sounds vary (Seed sylables Lam, Vam, Ram, Yam, Ham, OM, OM)

Balancing Chakras with Sound & Chanting

In my opinion if you want to feel balanced, charged and happy - therei snothing easier, quicker, cheaper and more natural than chant some sacred sounds.

This really works, try it!

Edgar Cayce's mantra:


Have an open heart when doing this

Don't try with half effort - open up - let the sounds flow out through you

Hindu - Sanskrit Seed Sylabbles Tones from Djwal Khul
LAMmiddle cRootO (oh)red1
VAM SacralSHU (shuck)orange2
RAM Solar pYA (yawn)yellow3
YAM / SAM HeartWA (way)Green4
HAM ThroatHE (he)Blue5
OM BrowHU (hue)Indigo6
AUM CrownI (eye)Violet7

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